Remote Learning

What is Remote Learning?
Remote learning is education that is done away from the classroom and the school. This involves students and teachers corresponding via emails, live sessions, virtual learning environments, websites or videos.
Why do we use Remote Learning?
Remote learning may be put in place due to:
  • Full or partial school closure 
  • Medical Absence (e.g. where a child may have an injury but be well enough to complete work)
  • Isolation for medical reasons (e.g. due to Covid or pre-surgery isolation)
  • Other unexpected circumstances if agreed by a family and school
What Does Remote Learning look like at Chesnut Lodge?
Remote learning at Chesnut Lodge is done via the Seesaw platform. Seesaw is an online tool used for setting and sharing student learning. Seesaw can be accessed via any suitable device capable with internet access, including mobile phones, laptops, tablets, game consoles and computers. Teachers can use this platform to set work in the event of remote learning or for homework. Examples of work, responses to teacher posts, photos and videos can all be submitted via the site. Staff also have the option of creating activities built directly into the site for pupils to access (e.g. drag and drop matching activities). In the event of remote learning being required, staff will post a range of learning activities linked to the current class planning for pupils to access. These activities will look different across the school based on the needs of different learners. Once they have been completed, staff will review the activities and responses and then post the next set of learning. 
How do I access Seesaw?
Seesaw can be accessed by logging in using an individual QR code or Letter sequence. These codes can be obtained from school and allow you to remain logged on for 12 months. After this time you will need a new code access the site and your child's learning journal. If you change the device you have been accessing Seesaw on you will also need to request a new code. 
What else can Seesaw be used for?
Seesaw can also be used to contact the staff in your child's class for day to day messages, questions and updates relating to the class. Staff will check the platform regularly during the school week but are not required to do so outside of school hours.
Please note that Seesaw is NOT to be used for reporting pupil absence or urgent messages. These should continue to be communicated through Parentapp.