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Chesnut Lodge Specialist School


Careers Education at Chesnut Lodge
Chesnut Lodge School is part of the Liverpool City Region Careers Hub and is committed to working towards the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance.

Talentino at Chesnut Lodge!

Continuing to expand and develop careers within our curriculum is a priority for Chesnut Lodge. We have joined forces with the amazing team at Talentino and will be delivering the Careers at Every Level programme for pupils.

What is Talentino?

Talentino is an award - winning independent early career development organisation that focuses on enabling young people to become career ready. They are the strategic partner for SEND for the Careers and Enterprise Company. Talentino is the leading careers provider for careers programmes in special schools and they offer careers programmes, training, resources and a free annual conference for their special schools, schools and colleges.

Who is the programme for?

Careers at Every Level is a specially designed programme for young people with a range of learning difficulties in special schools from KS3 including MLD,ASD,SLD and PMLD.

What are the aims of the programme?

The aims of the programme are to improve the possibility and probability of paid work; to improve work related skills for independent living and supported employment and enrich life experience.


KS4 Virtual Reality Work Experience

With LCR Careers Hub and The Regenda Group

Through the virtual experience students had the chance to experience;

- travelling on a bus to work on their own

- meeting a manager and being introduced to the other members of staff

-having a tour of the Regenda Homes office

-completing short work experience tasks

Pupils thoroughly enjoyed the experience, saying it felt like, 'practising for being an adult' and 'having a real job'. Before the session only 1 pupils expressed an interest in potentially taking part in work experience at some point, whereas by the end of the session all pupils were interested in finding out more and potentially taking part. 

Provider Access to Chesnut Lodge
If you wish to support Chesnut Lodge in our ongoing careers work you can see details of how to enquire in the guidance document below.
Feedback on Careers Work at Chesnut Lodge
If you are an employer, provider or parent/carer who has recently been involved in careers work at Chesnut Lodge and would like to provide school with any feedback on your experience or further support you can do so by emailing careers@chesnutlodge.net.
Parents and Pupils
Parents and pupils can also find out more about careers and transition in our 'Parent Zone' and 'Pupil Zone'.