Nurturing School's Programme

Chesnut Lodge is now part of the Nurturing School’s Programme!

As a school we have established our own nurture group that runs sessions for key pupils every Tuesday and Friday morning. A nurture room has been designed and set up and sessions are proving to be an extremely valuable way of accessing learning for some of our pupils. 

The entire school has received training on the importance of nurture and aims to embed the 6 principles, not just in the nurture sessions but across the whole school.

Pupils attending the nurture group are excited to take part and look forward to their activities including yoga and circle time. They are fully engaged in their learning, developing their play, social and language skills and ultimately working on their targets. Snack time is also a key focus of their work as it is a time to share and practice these skills and all the group take turns to help each other and to clean up!

Pupils, staff and parents have been extremely positive about the information shared so far and we are hoping that our Nurture group will go from strength to strength!


The 6 principles of nurture
  • Learning is understood developmentally
  • The classroom offers a safe base
  • The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing
  • Language is a vital means for communication
  • All behavior is communication
  • The importance of transition in the lives of children and young people
Check out some of the things we have been up to in nurture groups recently!